发明名称 Third party credit card
摘要 A system for allocating funds in pre-established customer accounts including: a controller processor programmed: (a) to process data, (b) to create for each customer a customer account file, and (c) to transfer funds from customer account files to transferees selected by said customers, in response to command instructions; an input device for supplying command instructions to said controller processor; and a data storage device associated with said controller processor in which file records of said customer account files created by said controller processor are stored, including information on the amounts of funds deposited for said customers; wherein said controller processor is programmed (a) to process and store information in said storage device for each customer account, in response to command instruction from find depositors, limiting the amount of funds that may be spent on particular classes of goods and services; and (b) to process fund transfer command instructions issued by said customers by determining whether the requested finds exceed the limit set for said goods or services to be purchased. A computer-based method for allocating funds in this manner is also disclosed.
申请公布号 US6044360(A) 申请公布日期 2000.03.28
申请号 US19970876929 申请日期 1997.06.16
分类号 G06Q20/00;G07F7/10;(IPC1-7):G06F16/15 主分类号 G06Q20/00
代理机构 代理人