摘要 <p>A pellet-forming apparatus is provided for extruding high moisture materials in a low-pressure extrusion apparatus having an extruding cylinder (44) and a cooperative extruding rotor (46). The rotor (46) extends axially through the elongated cylinder and is formed with multi-tier extruding surfaces that are configured and positioned to be radially spaced with respect to the interior surface of the cylinder (44) and form a pressure zone to effect radial displacement of the material through passages (98) formed in the cylinder wall and be extruded exteriorly of the cylinder. The rotor (46) preferably consists of a series of configured plates (100) arranged along a common axis to form a combined auger-shaped extruding rotor. A feed conveyor comprising a helical flight auger (18) is provided in preceding axial relationship to the extruding cylinder for feeding of material into the cylinder without substantial pressure build-up.</p>
申请公布号 WO1998041390(A1) 申请公布日期 1998.09.24
申请号 US1998005669 申请日期 1998.03.20
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人