发明名称 Bowstring release mechanism
摘要 The disclosure concerns a release mechanism for drawing and releasing the bowstring of free-standing bows in which a triggered-latch mechanism is affixed to sheet of resilient, non-stretchable material shaped to overlie the palm of the archer's hand and to be strapped around his wrist. A thumbhold is provided in the sheet so that the triggered-latch mechanism can be drawn up into the crotch between the forefinger and the thumb and the trigger is positioned in the latch mechanism in position to be easily pulled by the forefinger when the triggered-latch mechanism is so positioned. The triggered-latch mechanism has a trigger and a rotary latch having a latching arm and a cocking arm and complementary detents on the trigger and the latch operative in the cocked position to prevent rotation of the latch, and in the release to permit rotation of the latch. The trigger and rotary latch are mounted in an elongate holding device having a bowstring receiving slot which cooperates with the latching arm and the cocking arm to cause the latching arm to latch onto the bowstring to permit drawing the bow and to effect release thereof when the trigger is actuated. The trigger has surfaces arranged to contact the rotary latch on opposite sides of the pivot point thereof to hold the rotary latch in position while the cocking arm is crosswise of the bowstring-receiving slot and in a position to effect rotation of the latch to the cocked position when the bowstring is inserted into the slot.
申请公布号 US4509497(A) 申请公布日期 1985.04.09
申请号 US19800209757 申请日期 1980.11.24
分类号 F41B5/18;(IPC1-7):F41C19/00 主分类号 F41B5/18
代理机构 代理人