发明名称 Teaching method and apparatus
摘要 The teaching method and apparatus of the present invention provides an organizational plan for writing and creates a comfortable mode of expression for all individuals by allowing such individuals to consciously examine the composition process and develop a set of writing experiences which is designed to improve their ability to write. The teaching method and apparatus begins with several different color-coded index cards. The cards have the key words WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and HOW printed at the top. The individual picks a topic and chooses the first card with the word WHO on it. The individual then decides who the characters are going to be in his story and writes them on the card. The next step is to decide what is going to happen to the characters, with the third step deciding where the characters are going to live. The fourth step when the story occurs and how, i.e., resolution of the story. Upon completion of the cards, the individual takes each recorded concept, makes it into a completed sentence and sews them together using thread to form an outline in the form of a mobile. The idea of sewing thoughts together puts the individuals mind in logical order allowing them to rearrange, revise and rethink the order of the cards after the outline is formed. The completed story is the final step.
申请公布号 US4445869(A) 申请公布日期 1984.05.01
申请号 US19810319470 申请日期 1981.11.09
分类号 G09B1/00;G09B19/00;(IPC1-7):G09B1/00 主分类号 G09B1/00
代理机构 代理人