发明名称 Screw injection moulding machine with ram for cavity packing
摘要 <p>The flow path between a screw plasticisation unit and an injection moulding tool includes a passage aligned with a high pressure ram which can be used to pack the mould after direct filling from the screw unit. The advance of the ram isolates the screw unit from the mould. Subsequent partial retraction of the ram (from B to C) disengages the sprue before the moulding is ejected. The advance of the ram is triggered by automatic detection of the completion of mould filling, either by a transducer monitoring the cavity pressure or by the status of the moulding cycle timer. - Used for producing mouldings where the mould charge is compensated for contraction as the initial volume introduced directly at screw feed pressures begins to cool.</p>
申请公布号 ES8305247(A1) 申请公布日期 1983.07.01
申请号 ES19720005102 申请日期 1982.02.16
分类号 (IPC1-7):29F1/02 主分类号 (IPC1-7):29F1/02
代理机构 代理人