发明名称 Foam plastic filled double walled sound insulating - panel
摘要 <p>FOAM PLASTIC FILLED DOUBLE WALLED SOUND INSULATING PANEL. Containing divided compartments of high-density material, e.g. sand, fine gravel, between outer walls and insulating layer, combines following features; a) insulating layer is corrugated, the peaks being firmly attached externally to one outer wall and the troughs likewise to other outer wall. b) stiffness of insulating layer with regard to forces normal to panel is 0.05-3 (pref. 0.2) Kp/cm3. c) stiffness of insulating layer in concave parts of its indulations is not greater than 3 Kp/cm2 with regard to forces normal to the layer.</p>
申请公布号 BE741165(A) 申请公布日期 1970.04.16
申请号 BED741165 申请日期 1969.11.03
申请人 发明人
分类号 E04B1/74;E04B1/84;E04B1/86;E04B2/74 主分类号 E04B1/74
代理机构 代理人