发明名称 Computer Operating Systems
摘要 This application for a piece of software that monitors the keystrokes that a user is inputting to check if they have input a postal code into the application they are currently operating then showing them a record of matching addresses and asking them to select one to input into the application, or program. It works by first polling the foreground window and checking, or reading, the currently active text. It will then check if the application being used is either a word processor or a field based type of application. If the operating system, called Robot has previously stored a configuration for this application then it will use that stored configuration and prompt the user to select a record for a list of matching results. If not then it will first create a new configuration for the new application before prompting the user to select a record.
申请公布号 GB2533455(A) 申请公布日期 2016.06.22
申请号 GB20150016379 申请日期 2015.09.16
申请人 Zipaddress Limited 发明人 David Dorricott;Peter Graham Denton
分类号 G06F17/24 主分类号 G06F17/24
代理机构 代理人