发明名称 Transformer aerobic digestion method, a system for treating biodegradable waste material through aerobic degradation
摘要 This method facilitates the cost effective treatment of liquid, hazardous, and solid waste in a landfill or composting site or any other containment facility. The ability to distribute the oxygen to the waste, facilitate aerobic degradation, and remove the spent waste are the focal points of the process. This invention can digest any size landfill or treat any size green waste pile. Waste moisture content is increased, eliminating fires and the aerobic degradation halts the production of harmful greenhouse gases and odors. Liquid is oxygen-supplemented and added to the waste to maintain aerobic degradation. Temperature increases with the availability of the dissolved and released oxygen. The bacteria break down the solids and liquid waste. The digested material is available for release, cover or agricultural uses. Facility space is recovered, odors are minimized, and environmental risk is minimized. Leachate to be discharged is isolated and treated to the needs of the facility, which can be anywhere between total treatment and pretreatment. The isolation and use of the landfill generated biological colony makes the current invention unique as a leachate and solids treatment system.
申请公布号 US7250287(B2) 申请公布日期 2007.07.31
申请号 US20050091293 申请日期 2005.03.29
分类号 C05F17/00;C05F9/04 主分类号 C05F17/00
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