发明名称 Workflow server for medical records imaging and tracking system
摘要 A computer system with a workflow server provides for automatic and prioritized assignment of work involving processing of medical information records, or "charts", to particular resources (personnel) in a hospital. In particular, as the system stores data regarding additional medical information records in a relational database, the workflow server identifies which such additional records constitute a new encounter for a particular patient. For each encounter, the system defines one or more visit cases, and may identify for each visit further subset cases for one or more of a number of application programs. Such application programs may include coding/abstracting of documents and assigning deficiencies in documents for completion. The system defines states corresponding to each application program. In response to requests from the application programs, the workflow server routes each defined case to a particular workqueue within the proper state, and then can assign each case to a particular resource (employee) within the proper workqueue. The criteria for the type and number of workqueues within each state, and the criteria for the assignment of resources within each workqueue, can be identified with whatever sophistication or prioritization that a hospital may desire.
申请公布号 AU4642593(A) 申请公布日期 1994.01.24
申请号 AU19930046425 申请日期 1993.06.18
分类号 G06F19/00;G06Q10/10;G06Q50/24 主分类号 G06F19/00
代理机构 代理人