发明名称 Mobile measuring device for the range of motion of the cervical spine
摘要 Neck pain is a common complaint in medical practices. This pain could be associated with the range of motions of cervical spine (i.e. the rotational motions about X, Y and Z axis) These motions need to be continuously and correctly measured in order to read the cause of this problem. Typical goniometer and inclinometer are still used in medical practices for such measurement and assessment. These devices are lacking accuracy and reliability and they are impractical if they need to be used by patients at home to follow up their treatment progress. Cervical spine motions can also be studied using MRI and dynamic stereo X-ray imaging techniques. However, these techniques are complicated, not pleasant for the patient and may have negative adverse effects on the patient's health in the case of X-ray radiation. The novelty in this current work is in the design and embodiment of an invasive mobile electronic system, to routinely and accurately measure the range of motion of the human cervical spine without putting the patient under the risk of X-ray or unpleasant experience of MRl. The design of this system consists of three devices: head; shoulder and visual and control devices. These devices communicate with each other wirelessly and are lightweight, easy to handle and powered by low DC voltage. This mobile system has the ability to be interfaced with a PC or other mobile devices. <Figure 1>
申请公布号 IES86477(B2) 申请公布日期 2014.12.17
申请号 IES20130368 申请日期 2013.12.10
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人