发明名称 Fuel cell supplied by gases at atmospheric pressure
摘要 The need to pressurise the gas supply lines of fuel cells is avoided by operating the cell below atmospheric pressure thus preventing the flow of electrolyte through the porous electrodes. The reduction in pressure is obtained by maintaining the cell above the electrolyte reservoir, the difference in pressure being determined by the height difference and the electrolyte density. A further pressure reduction (up to 500g/cm2) is obtained by placing the circulating pump in the exhaust line with a regulating valve in the inlet line. Entrained gas bubbles are removed by a degassing pump in the exhaust line.
申请公布号 FR1603213(A) 申请公布日期 1971.03.22
申请号 FRD1603213 申请日期 1968.10.10
申请人 发明人
分类号 H01M8/08 主分类号 H01M8/08
代理机构 代理人