发明名称 Therapeutic Massage Ramp
摘要 In accordance with the specifications, drawings and claims of this application, applicant presents a easily portable device that permits the user to be in a relaxed, reduced stress pronated sitting position whereby the user may be subjected to massage. This device can be quickly setup and is adjustable to include a head rest, which is situated to perfect alignment of the head with the spine of the user, reducing stress and promoting proper posture. The user is free to watch television, sporting events or concerts being able to promote better posture and spinal alignment, preventing damaging stresses upon the skeletal and nervous systems. This device only supports the center or spinal region of the back, whereby the shoulders and arms are not impinged upon by being held in the same planar surface as the spine. One's spine, scapula and shoulder joints are not in the same plane or surface and should not be forced into planar alignment. This device provides support to the cervical and upper thoracic area. Due to it's design features in relation to the lack a close fitting support around the guteal region, there is a prevention of sacral pressure sores about the sacrum region and constriction of the sciatic nerve. The orthopedically designed device promotes proper attitude of the spine creating less tension on the components of the spine. The device is portable, light-weight and compact enough so as to enable the user to travel with the device or place under one's bed. This anatomically designed device is to promote postural stabilization where torso inclination is preferred, where stresses and tensions are decreased due to the increase of circulation as blood flow is not restricted to the absence of forced flexion upon the muscles of the upper back.
申请公布号 US2008105266(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.05.08
申请号 US20060557966 申请日期 2006.11.08
分类号 A61G15/00 主分类号 A61G15/00
代理机构 代理人