发明名称 Integrated life planning method and systems and products for implementation
摘要 A method for facilitating final estate planning comprises gathering data in response to a series of questions organized into four points of estate planning, which are (1) client assets, (2) client fiscal and human/pet care responsibilities (i.e. creditors, children, spouse, employers and others that are dependent upon the client), (3) desired disposition of the client's body before (e.g., assisted living, hospice, palliative care, life support) and after death (corporal disposition), and (4) funding arrangements and documentation for asset disposition to cover fiscal, human/pet care responsibilities, living body and subsequent remains disposition, and to carry out the client's other wishes. A system for performing the method includes a computer program that is preferably accessible via an internet web site. A unique identification card, known as a denicard(TM), is provided which includes information for accessing the bearer's or owner's end of life (EOL) plans and data that is stored in a database accessible via a the web site or a designated entity, wherein the stored data is generated by the system when the FEP method was performed. Numerous variations of FEP and EOL planning methods and systems and products for implementation are described. These can be incorporated into a total life plan.
申请公布号 US2003182290(A1) 申请公布日期 2003.09.25
申请号 US20010013888 申请日期 2001.10.19
分类号 G06F7/00;G06Q40/00;G06Q99/00;(IPC1-7):G06F7/00 主分类号 G06F7/00
代理机构 代理人