发明名称 Axle spindle load and torque sensing apparatus and method for sensing load and torque
摘要 The invention comprises a vehicle load sensor apparatus for measuring the load on one or more spindles of a vehicle axle which comprises a vehicle axle spindle, a string or wire is attached to the vehicle spindle, and a means for measuring the change of tension in the string. The tension in the string is measured by inducing a vibration in the string and then measuring the frequency of vibration of the string which is proportional to the square root of the tension in the string. The change of tension is then determined by comparing this measured tension in the string to the tension in the string previously measured under no-load conditions. In a preferred embodiment, both the load and the torque on an axle or spindle may be determined using the disclosed apparatus and method by using a first string attached to a point adjacent to the front of the spindle and a second string attached to a point adjacent to the rear of the spindle and comparing the changes of tension in the front string to the changes of tension in the rear string to determine the torque acting on the end of the axle.
申请公布号 US4977784(A) 申请公布日期 1990.12.18
申请号 US19890348686 申请日期 1989.05.08
分类号 G01G3/16;G01G19/08;G01L3/04 主分类号 G01G3/16
代理机构 代理人