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摘要 This invention relates to a novel guiding method for autonomous traveling vehicle in which the number of the rotation of wheels mounted on both the right and left sides are individually detected when guiding the vehicle along the predetermined route by independently controlling the rotation of the wheels mounted on both the right and left sides, and then based on the number of the rotation of these wheels, the position and the azimuth of the vehicle are computed. Then, based on the computed position and the azimuth of the vehicle by referring to the predetermined route, the target position is set, and then, by the vehicle is made to travel toward the set target position. Setting the target positions and making the vehicle travel toward the target position are repeated so that the autonomous vehicle is guided to the route having been set. When marks are detected during the travel, fixed point correction in reference to the detected marks is executed. Moreover, yawing is corrected when the vehicle is guided to the predetermined route after the fixed point correction.
申请公布号 SE503584(C2) 申请公布日期 1996.07.08
申请号 SE19870002828 申请日期 1987.07.10
分类号 G05D1/02;(IPC1-7):G05D1/02 主分类号 G05D1/02
代理机构 代理人