发明名称 Solar sensor having a controlled variable transparency.
摘要 Device permitting a fraction of the light energy received on its surface to be absorbed, the other fraction of the light traversing the device, and the absorbed energy to be transported. The whole device constitutes a thermal solar sensor having variable transparency. The absorber is formed from a semi-transparent electrical capacitor, composed of thin metal layers between which there is a dielectric in the mesomorphic state. A variable electrical voltage applied between the electrodes of the capacitor enables the transparency of the absorber to be varied. A heat-transfer fluid conveys the heat absorbed by the absorber. The invention can be used for greenhouses, windows and openings of any building and for all openings permitting the passage of light into closed volumes. <IMAGE>
申请公布号 FR2535071(A1) 申请公布日期 1984.04.27
申请号 FR19820016952 申请日期 1982.10.07
分类号 A01G9/24;G02F1/17;(IPC1-7):02F1/13;06B7/28;01G9/24;24J3/02 主分类号 A01G9/24
代理机构 代理人