发明名称 Organic Light-Emitting Diode Having Optical Resonator in Addition to Production Method
摘要 The invention relates to an organic light-emitting diode, known under the abbreviation OLED, and to a method for the production of such an organic light-emitting diode. According to the invention, an OLED or organic light-emitting diode having an emitter layer (5) is produced, said emitter layer emitting white light in particular. The emitter layer (5) is arranged within a lossy, optical resonator. The optical path length between the two reflecting layers of the resonator determines the color of the light emitting from the optical resonator and, consequently, from the light-emitting diode. In order to be able to create a variety of colors, there must be different optical path lengths between the two reflecting surfaces. The correspondingly different distances can be produced in only one work step, in contrast to the prior art, by a photolithographic method. The result is an organic light-emitting diode having a lossy optical resonator, having an emitter layer (5) and a layer (4) that can be photolithographically structured. Said layer (4) is comprised of photochemically curable materials. Organic light-emitting diodes according to the invention can be used in light sources, lighting, sensors or spectrometers.
申请公布号 US2011303905(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.12.15
申请号 US200913133298 申请日期 2009.10.14
分类号 H01L51/50 主分类号 H01L51/50
代理机构 代理人