发明名称 Apparatus and method for viewing multiple windows within a dynamic window
摘要 An apparatus and method for viewing multiple windows simultaneously within a dynamic window allows a user to relate several windows shown on a display without having to repeatedly arrange and size each individual window. In the preferred embodiment, once a window is selected and dragged into the dynamic window, the dynamic windowing mechanism dynamically sizes the window. Dynamic sizing causes the window to be sized in proportion to other windows already located within the dynamic window. For example, if the dynamic window is empty and a new window is dragged and dropped into the dynamic window, the new window will occupy the entire dynamic window; if the dynamic window contains two windows and a third window is dragged and dropped into the dynamic window, each window will occupy a portion of the dynamic window. The process of selecting and dragging windows into the dynamic window is repeated until all desired windows are displayed within the dynamic window. As windows are dropped into the dynamic window, horizontal and vertical boundary lines are created to separate windows. The size of the windows within the dynamic window can be altered by manipulating the horizontal and vertical boundaries. If a window within the dynamic window becomes too small, it is replaced by a button that shows the title of the window. The dynamic window allows multiple windows to be viewed on the same level (i.e., without overlap), without the time consuming process of having to repeatedly resize and position multiple windows.
申请公布号 US6008809(A) 申请公布日期 1999.12.28
申请号 US19970935174 申请日期 1997.09.22
分类号 G06F3/048;G06F3/033;G06F3/14;G09G5/14;(IPC1-7):G06F15/00 主分类号 G06F3/048
代理机构 代理人