摘要 <p>A fault tolerant network fileserver system includes a plurality of nodes connected to a network communication link. A primary fileserver node stores files from a plurality of the nodes and a backup fileserver node stores copies of files from the primary fileserver. In an improved fileserver system, the primary and backup fileservers are connected to a dual ported memory for communicating information between the fileservers. The primary fileserver writes data files to the dual ported memory and interrupts a processor within the backup fileserver to notify it that the dual ported memory contains data. In response to the interrupt, the processor within the backup fileserver reads the data from the dual ported memory and writes it to a storage device within the backup fileserver. In a similar manner, the dual ported memory is used for passing control messages between the primary and backup fileservers. The dual ported memory includes semaphore locations for arbitrating between competing requests by the backup and primary fileservers for access to the same location in the dual ported memory.</p>
申请公布号 WO1992018931(A1) 申请公布日期 1992.10.29
申请号 US1992003001 申请日期 1992.04.14
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人