发明名称 System and method for assisting those with diminished mental capacities
摘要 A system and method is disclosed to associate with a device images corresponding to the control of same for use by those with diminished mental capacities, such as dementia. The system of the present invention associates with a device images corresponding to the control of same with which a person is able to interact with, or control, his or her environment. The images selected and used by the system are user-specific and correspond with visual cues that the individual can recognize and understand. The method of the present invention includes the steps of: (1) identifying a device that a user can manipulate to control or interact with his or her environment; (2) selecting one or more images that the user recognizes as visual cues to correspond with the control mechanism(s) of the device identified in Step (1) above; (3) using the system of the present invention to associate the image(s) selected in Step (2) above with the control mechanism(s) of the device identified in Step (1) above; and (4) repeating, as needed, Steps 1-3 to keep the images of the system matched to visual cues recognized and understood by the user over time.
申请公布号 US2007222772(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.09.27
申请号 US20060387824 申请日期 2006.03.23
分类号 G09G5/00 主分类号 G09G5/00
代理机构 代理人