发明名称 Method and apparatus for measuring scattered light on an optical system
摘要 A method of measuring scattered light on an optical system includes: providing a first measuring field and a second measuring field, both measuring fields respectively being either of a first light manipulation type or a second light manipulation type, which first light manipulation type is configured to cause incoming light to enter the optical system and which second light manipulation type is configured to prevent incoming light from entering the optical system, and both measuring fields respectively having a second light manipulation type reference structure and a respective measuring structure, which measuring structures are of the second light manipulation type in the case where the measuring fields are of the first light manipulation type, and are first light manipulation type regions of the measuring fields in the case where the measuring fields are of the second light manipulation type, wherein the measuring structures of the respective measuring fields are offset in different directions in relation to the respective reference structure, imaging the first measuring field with the optical system into an image plane and measuring a first light intensity produced herewith at a location in the region of the image of the reference structure of the first measuring field, and imaging the second measuring field with the optical system into the image plane and measuring a second light intensity produced herewith at a location in the region of the image of the reference structure of the second measuring field.
申请公布号 US8218148(B2) 申请公布日期 2012.07.10
申请号 US20100703829 申请日期 2010.02.11
分类号 G01N21/55 主分类号 G01N21/55
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